Download PDF BookAlias Barack Obama a lie is born The greatest identity fraud in history

[Free Download.dMRZ] Alias Barack Obama a lie is born The greatest identity fraud in history

[Free Download.dMRZ] Alias Barack Obama a lie is born The greatest identity fraud in history

[Free Download.dMRZ] Alias Barack Obama a lie is born The greatest identity fraud in history

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Published on: 2012-07-10
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Original language: English
[Free Download.dMRZ] Alias Barack Obama a lie is born The greatest identity fraud in history

What began as a simple study of the online image posted on June 12, 2008 by the Daily Kos blog and the Obama Campaign had mushroomed into a full-blown research project consuming more than 4,000 man-hours of work into what was nothing less than a well-orchestrated conspiracy to subvert the Constitution and the free election process. More than any one factor, the online image purported to be Obama’s Certification of Live Birth (COLB) is the key that links the collaborators together. As the days turned to months, and the months turned to years, the COLB was the one constant for which so many people and organizations had engaged in illegal activities to suppress the truth about Barack Obama. Moreover, the ways in which he and his collaborators enlisted the so-called Free Press into doing his bidding, in promulgating a forgery and a fictitious identity, in promoting a false Messiah and defending a traitor-in-hiding is as reprehensible as it is unforgivable. This conspiracy makes Watergate seem like Sesame Street. Chapter I: The One is born, explores the rise of Obama, the liberal media’s Rock Star Candidate for State Senator in 1995, US Senator in 2004, and President of the World in 2008. In 2004, Obama was still a blank slate to the media, but instead of doing any true investigative reporting into his background, they relied on “Dreams From My Father” to do it for them as if his memoirs were etched in stone. Whether blinded by his charisma or his exotic biography, the liberal media rarely doubted a word Obama said or wrote. Chapter II: Fact-checking media fraud introduces you to the new breed of online political analysts known as “nonpartisan political fact checkers.” They claim to be “consumer advocates” who “sort out the truth in politics,” yet they are really leftwing propagandists launching attacks against Obama’s opponents and critics while ensuring that Obama would be elected, his policies enacted, and his false identity protected. The role they played in manipulating the outcome of the Presidential election cannot be overstated: by hiding Obama’s true identity and political ideology to influencing public opinion in favor of his liberal leftwing legislation to shielding his activities from scrutiny. Chapter III: Anatomy of a forgery takes you through the quest to solve the mystery of Obama’s COLB: a 2 ½ year odyssey of painstaking analytical research, true scientific experimentation, and a good deal of old-school, detective work devoted to answering a simple question: “Did the Daily Kos post a genuine scan of Barack Obama’s paper Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth (COLB)” The mystery of Obama’s COLB has been solved, but the revelations that followed were more significant than the forgery itself. The importance of this fraudulent birth certificate had grown exponentially since it first appeared in June 2008, going from a curiosity to becoming the de facto evidence of Obama’s citizenship. A large number people banked their very reputations on it being real and the stakes could not be higher if this massive conspiracy were to fall apart. Every other piece of “evidence” that followed the COLB was created in defense of it. Chapter IV: Blue Hawaii caught red-handed goes right to the heart of Barack Obama’s identity fraud. Hawaii is the largest repository of the most liberal, most pro-Obama, and least credible state government officials in the country. No other state in the nation comes close, with the possible exception being Illinois. The dirty money that was shoveled to Democrats, like Clinton and Obama, put it in a class all by itself. Arkancide The Arkancide website consists of a history of the Clintons and their misdeeds in Arkansas and the White House a list of books about the Clintons a section on ... NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS POSTED FEBRUARY 6 2017 YEMENI MISSILE HITS SAUDI CAPITOL They thought this would be easy. In March of 2015 Saudi Arabia decided to attack their southern neighbor ... 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