[Download.rUaD] Great Lives from History. The Ancient World Prehistory-476 CE
You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. [Download.rUaD] Great Lives from History. The Ancient World Prehistory-476 CE, this is a great books that I think are not only fun to read but also very educational.
Book Details :
Published on: 2004-12-31
Released on:
Original language: English
The first in a series that ultimately will cover prehistory to the 21st century, this two-volume work is a revision of the ten-volume ictionary of World Biography series. It presents 325 essays (65 of which are new) which range in length from 1,700 to 3,000 words. Arranged alphabetically the personages include pharaohs, Near Eastern kings, Buddhists, Greek thinkers and writers, Roman emperors, saints and warriors. Each essay follows the same format with sections on the figure's early life, their life's work and significance. The articles include suggestions for further reading and are cross-referenced and where appropriate include references to essays in the companion volume Great Events from History which is also available. Complete with illustrations, maps, tables, chronologies and indices, this ambitious volume is targeted at the general reader and will be a useful reference for those who like to dip into history.
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